To maintain and enhance the safety of our employees, we promote a culture of continuous improvement and individual accountability to provide safe workplaces and to strive for our ultimate vision of zero workplace injuries.


At the corporate level, our Global Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policies and Standards establish a management system framework that includes goal setting, risk reduction, compliance auditing and performance reporting. Our businesses augment the corporate program with management systems of their own. For instance, Kautex facilities are ISO 14001 and 45001 certified. The overall program is guided by the Textron EHS Council, whose members include the senior EHS leaders from the Textron corporate office and each Textron business unit.

In addition to Achieve 2025 goals, we use an annual goal-setting process to drive injury rate improvements. The injury rate reduction goal is a performance metric that resides at the highest levels of the organization. Performance to this goal is reported to Textron’s Audit Committee and is tracked and reported to senior leadership as part of our Plan-Do-Check-Act process.

Textron uses various metrics to evaluate health and safety performance globally. The United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) recordkeeping rules are the guidelines all Textron facilities use for reporting injuries. In 2020, we had a Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) of 0.93 and a Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) of 0.29.


  • No job or activity is worth risking injury
  • All injuries and environmental incidents are preventable
  • Working safely and in an environmentally responsible manner is a condition of employment
  • Each of us is responsible for the safe behavior of ourselves and others
  • Environmental, Health and Safety is led by senior management, implemented by line management, with each level accountable to the one above and responsible for the one below
  • We will design and integrate Environmental, Health and Safety into our products, our facilities and into our management process
  • All employees will be provided the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to work safely
  • Strong environmental, health and safety performance is good business
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Textron has focused on our employees’ needs and the safety of our workplaces to protect their well-being. We also provided help and supplies to the communities where we work and live. Below you will discover some of the ways we met and continue to address the challenges of this unprecedented time.


We created an online COVID-19 Employee Information Center for our employees, which is displayed prominently on our global intranet. This site gathers a variety of information to help our employees understand and take precautions against the coronavirus with links to government disease control and prevention agencies.


We promptly took the following actions to protect the health and safety of our employees:

  • Formed enterprise-wide pandemic response teams. These teams have guided our operations in the implementation of processes and procedures to comply with applicable government-imposed health and safety-related operating restrictions.
  • Established wellness checks for employees as they enter facilities and buildings.
  • Increased the cleaning and hygiene protocols within our facilities and buildings.
  • Installed hand sanitizer stations where soap and water are not nearby.
  • Reworked facility layouts to ensure physical distancing while minimizing disruption to manufacturing and service facilities and other work activities.
  • Engaged in frequent leadership communications to inform employees of updates in real time.


By enhancing our IT infrastructure, we were able to quickly employ telecommuting, staggered work schedules and flexible work arrangements to help keep our employees safe. Across our global operations, we upgraded virtual private network capacity and encouraged the use of online collaboration tools to enable much of our workforce to work remotely. We also:

  • Developed training materials for managing and engaging a remote workforce and then to help transition back to the office safely.
  • Transitioned existing training courses to virtual sessions to maintain the growth and development of the workforce.


We were proud to support our communities where we live and work by:

  • Donating personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Using our manufacturing facilities to produce supplies that assist front-line workers caring for COVID-19 patients.
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